Barokpalaces – walk along the baroque buildings of architect Van Baurscheit
Barokpaleizen - wandeling langs architectuur van architect Van Baurscheit

Baroque palaces

While writing my book about Baroque in Antwerp, I came across Van Baurscheit again. A versatile artist who largely determined the image of Antwerp in the early eighteenth century. I discovered that he died on the night of 9 to 10 September 1768. On Open Monumentendag 2018, it is exactly 250 years since he died, coincidentally also in the Baroque year of Antwerp!

That deserved a party. As a gift for that party, I devised a walk along the baroque palaces designed by Jan Peter Van Baurscheit. Only available in Dutch!

Download the walk for free on 9 and 10 September 2018. After the 11th September the price for the walk is 4 euros.

Have fun in Antwerp!