This post was previously published on my other blog about architecture: archixplore. As said there, the height of a building appeals to the imagination. The height of the cathedral is the first thing you learn when you study for become a tourist guide, basically basic information. So here is a list of the five tallest buildings in Antwerp.
1. Cathedral of our Lady
123 meter
Antwerp, Groenplaats 21
2. Farmer’s Tower
95,8 meter
Antwerp, Schoenmarkt 35
3. Antwerp Tower
87 meter
Antwerp, De Keyserlei 5
4. Park Tower
78,8 meter
Antwerp, Ellermanstraat 61
5. London Tower
76,6 meter
Antwerp, Londenstraat 60
Top 5 tallest buildings of Antwerp
This article first appeared on my other site about architecture in and around Antwerp: archiplore.
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