Medallion MAS – Tom Lanoye & Tom Hautekiet
MAS medaillon - titel


Tom Lanoye + Tom Hautekiet

Antwerp, Hanzestedenplaats 1

Medallions as ornament

Decorations on the walls, floors and ceilings have been made in a certain pattern. This pattern is the same as on the outside with the hands. Sometimes the ones in the boulevard are filled in with a light element, a fire detector or ventilation elements.

Each tour, one of the first questions I get: what are those circles? I usually try to keep the tension in it until we reach floor +5 to give the explanation. Sometimes that doesn’t work either… I ask to read the text and explain what the figure is in the middle. The most common answer is a compass. I also think this is a nice reference to the port and shipping. But it is not a compass, what it is …

The poem

The poem in the medallion has no beginning or end. It is written by Antwerp writer Tom Lanoye. He was asked to write a text of no more than 60 characters. Lanoye started with the letters A, R and W from Antwerp and came up with a short poem that bites his tail. He found the word ‘waar’ (where) very interesting to begin with because of the different meanings it has. Below you will find the poem. There is a fantastic interview with Tom Lanoye online, I have attached it below. I would like him to give the explanation myself.

Waar water waakt en wat er waard was later werd bewaard als …

(Where water watches and what was worth later was saved as …)

The poem

Graphic designer Tom Hautekiet got the shape and the idea of the medallions for manhole covers. In the center is a figure based on Palmanova’s plans. It was the ideal city in the Renaissance. Palmanova was created on October 7, 1593, as a fortress to defend the Turkish border. In the middle of the city is a large square with the cathedral and white statues around the corners of the streets.

You can enter the boulevard with the medallions for free during opening hours.

Medallion MAS


Tom Lanoye + Tom Hautekiet

Antwerp, Hanzestedenplaats 1

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